The University of Delaware has provided a fantastic demonstration of the IDS NanoJet printing capabilities. By integrating our NanoJet Subsystem onto an nScrypt 6-axis motion platform, the University is able to print antenna structures onto 3D surfaces with incredible precision and detail. This example shows NanoJet aerosol-based printing of a silver nanoparticle ink on a flexible, non-planar surface.

The IDS NanoJet’s advanced aerosol printing technology enables endless possibilities for creating complex, high-performance printed electronics on a variety of challenging substrates. The NanoJet aerosol print head is able to print up to 10mm offset from the substrate allowing for accurate printing onto complex surfaces. The NanoJet print head can also be tilted up to 45-degrees making it a perfect complement to 6-axis motion systems. IDS provides a cutting-edge solution that meets the needs of innovators today, from novel production applications to rapid prototyping.

Contact IDS today to learn more about our integratable aerosol print head solution.
